What We Do...​
About Destiny Village


About Us
Our Mission
Over the last 25 years, Destiny Village has focused on the immediate, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the children in our orphanage. Those who have served in an orphanage know how hard it is to provide food, shelter, clothes, and education for many children; not to mention spiritual formation. The results have been astounding and all glory goes to God.
Where Your Money Goes
We understand that when you make a donation, you want to know exactly where your money is going and we pledge to be transparent.

Over the past 25 years, Destiny Village has had the honor to help and support countless kids.

70+ People
On a daily basis, we feed over 70 people.

40 Employees
We currently have 40 employees that help Destiny Village operate.

3 Organizations
We pour into 3 other orphanages on a weekly basis by providing rice, beans, water, and other specific needs that they have.

If it were for just one child, I would do it all over again. If just one would live to know God and love the people of Haiti.

Our Staff in the States
Rick Alford
Co-founder and Executive Director
In 1999 I went on my first trip to Haiti; my group and I wanted to see what we could do to better the lives of the Haitian people. During that trip, we realized that the children were the most vulnerable and to make a lasting impact we would need to start with helping them first. To change a nation we had to change the children of the nation. Our goal was to create an environment for them to succeed and have a future.
In the spring of 2000 Destiny Village started with a few little boys and through the years we've taken in many more. We provided them with essentials such as food, clothes, medical care, education, and a strong Biblical foundation. Since then we have taken in over 50 kids and seen many transition out. It has been an honor to have founded this Village and watch the Lord touch so many lives.
Julie Browne
Sponsorship Administrator
I came to DV for a mission trip with a group from the church which completely changed my life. I went home after that short week in Haiti and could not stop thinking about the children at Destiny Village and the Haitian people. I went back for a second trip 45 days later and knew that I was being called to do something to help. At that time, I didn’t know what, I just knew I had gifts of administration and organization so I just looked for ways to assist. The following year I took the lead on the Christmas in July project and started to become more involved. In 2017, I moved from Columbus, Ohio to Naples, Florida and one of the driving forces in that move was being closer to Haiti so that I could visit more frequently. I run the sponsorship program and coordinate groups wishing to travel to Destiny Village and am a member of the board for Destiny Enterprises; our internet-based business which currently employs 9 of the most recent graduates from Destiny Village.